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Shedding Weeds

Writer's picture: Asha WolfAsha Wolf

James' energy was moving around me today. I could feel that James had more he wanted to say about navigating 2025! So, I sat down with pen and paper to transcribe his message. James used several metaphors to deliver his message. He talked about weeds, movies and audiences, winter coats, ocean waves, and shining lights! Here's what he had to share with you:

"I know it's not spring time yet, but you can get a head start on your weeding. Your internal weeding. What's no longer useful in your mental and emotional landscapes? What's ready to go? What is still sitting in there in a pocket of your heart or a corner of your mind that's taken a permanent seat? A movie only lasts so long. Clear out the unwanted audience for the movie that is over, and prepare your theatre for a new movie."

"It's not time to shed our coats (I really like mine when it gets cold at night!) But, shed your insides. Shed it all until you can feel the well of your heart that is your peace. Notice how that softens your body. That's your foundation. Amongst all the outside noise, go deep within to your well of peace and truth. Don't be distracted by everything that is outside of you. 2025 will be a lot of distractions. Stay the course in your own life and don't be swayed. Don't let the ocean waves affect you. Just calmly navigate your own life."

"Hold hands with the ones who hold you up. Rise with your tribe. When everyone shines their light the world will be very bright. (And, I won't be able to get any sleep! Ha, ha!) Stand in your peace. Nothing can rattle you if you don't let it."



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